Tuesday, January 5, 2010

ZoO LiGhTs 2009

Me and Cody went on a double date with my sister and her friend Justin to go see the zoo lights at the zoo. It was way cold but I had a lot of fun. There were a few animals still out at the Zoo. It was fun seeing all the different types of lights. Looking at lights is one of my favorite things to do during Christmas it just gets you into the Holiday spirit. After we were done there we went and had Crab at Joe's crab shack and we had a blast there. We made Justin try some shrimp and crab because he has never eaten those before so it was an interesting night. Even though Kelc and Justin didn't seem to be enjoying themselves, I sure know me and Cody were having a fun time.

ChRiTmaS 2009

Ever since me and Cody have been dating our Christmases have become very busy. This Christmas we opened presents at my parents house with my family and my Nana & grandpa, and Sean & Tiff and the two boys, Ryan & Julie & Brynlie. It was a good Christmas this year. Keegan and Brynlie got a motorized scooter from me and Cody, it was fun watching them open gifts. I loved everything Cody got me for my birthday and Christmas. He is the best :). After we had opened gifts we ate breakfast at my parents house, then got ready and headed up to Cody's grandma's house in the Valley. Then came back to his grandma's house in Clinton, then left there and went to his mom's house for dinner and opened gifts there. After that we headed back up to the valley to his dad's house. Christmas was busy but it was nice to see all of the families.

My 20th BiRthDay

I had family over for my birthday and my Nana made dinner. It was a great dinner and fun to spend time with my family. I also had an ice cream cake, I have always wanted one for my birthday so this year I decided to get one. It was white cake with chocolate chip and raspberry cheesecake ice cream. It was way yummy.

ChRisTmAs ShoPpiNg aT tHe gaTeWay

My Mom, Nana, Kelc and I went shopping at the Gateway. We rode the front runner down to the Gateway it was a lot of fun. I decided I was going to make a build-a-bear for Cody for Christmas. It is the cutest stuffed animal I have seen haha. I stuffed this scruffy dog and put a saying in it and dressed him up in pants, cowboy boots, cowboy hat and sunglasses. This dog reminded me so much of Cody when I was finished with him. kelc also made one for her friend Justin.

Long lost brother

I got a phone call from my brother Chris, who I haven't seen in about 2 years. He asked if the family could get together and go bowling. Here are some pics of us bowling together. Not all of the family could come. Sean and Tiff just had Konnor, my mommy had to work and Cody was out of town at work. But it was still fun to get out and go bowling. I got to see my nieces and nephews which was fun they are all growing up so much.

Julie, Dad, Katrina, and Sam

Dad and Kelc

Sam, Jaden, and Katrina

Chris, Dad, and Ryan
