Friday, August 7, 2009

No LoNgEr A bLonDe

I have been wanting to change my hairstyle for awhile now, so last night I dyed my hair brown with blonde Hi Lights in it. Its going to take a while to get used to but I think I like it. Ive never been this dark so it a big change for me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

CrUe fEsT 2

This year Cody took me to Crue Fest with him. Cody, Carson, Laura and I all went to the concert. I had a blast it was a different atmosphere to me. I really dont know Motley Crue much but since I've dated Cody I have started listening to them with him every once in awhile. So when Motley Crue came on I was excited when I knew some of the songs. There were a few different bands playing before Motley Crue. Here are some pictures from the concert.

"CoDy & Me"

"CoDy & CaRsOn"

"LaUra & Me"

" Me & LaUra"

"LaUra, CoDy & CaRsOn"

"Me, CoDy & CaRsOn"

"LaUrA, Me & CoDy"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

RoY dAyS

My Mom, Nana, Kelc, Tiff, Keegan, Ryan, Julie, Brynlie, and me all went to the parade for Roy Days. It was a lot of fun Keegan and Brynlie got so much candy. Keegan was really cute he just took off running as soon as they threw the candy and Brynlie would get candy and share with Nana she was so sweet.

KeEgaN & BrYnLie wiTh tHe BiRd

KeEgAn EaTin cAndY & LoOkiN foR mOrE

BrYnLiE eAtiN cOoKiEs

Me & KeEgaN

KeEgAn & KeLc bEfOrE tHe pArAdE

KeEgAn rEaChiNg fOr CaNdy

And later we went to Tiff's sister and brother in laws house for a BBQ. The kids had a blast.

DadDy GriLLiN uP thE fOoD

JeFf, ApriL & JeRzEe

KeEgan & AiDen eAtiN tHeRe fOoD

NaNa, CoLtOn, & KaDe

Just sittin around waiting for the fireworks to start, after we all had finished eating.


NaNa & MoM


KeEgaN fELL aSLeEp bEfOrE tHe fiReWorKs

SeAn BeiNg a DoRk LiKe UsuAL